Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ron Paul in the News - June 22nd 2011

I have been keeping track of Ron Paul in the news (and out of it), to see what the old man is up as his campaign gains more ground. Because I'm already doing this, I thought you might want to follow along. If not, hey, at least this blog will still serve as a form of historical record later on. =)

Monday June 20th -

The mainstream medias continue to downplay Ron Paul, even as he continues to gain in popularity among voters. You can see this in this article from the LA Times that shows he got more votes than any other candidate in a recent straw poll, while they continue to suggest that it won't matter when 2012 comes.

In this huffington post article, one of Ron Paul's top campaign advisers grew some brass and called out Romney for yet another flip-flop on his campaign. Romney decided not to sign a Susan B Anthony pledge for anti-abortion, and while he could have plenty of logical reasons for doing so, he choose to use "big government" as an excuse for not being strong on his supposedly pro-life position. Tsk tsk Romney! Not looking good!

Top critics and opposition to the Ron Paul campaign are running out ways to make Ron Paul look bad. His views are becoming mainstream, he has more voters than any other candidate and his popularity is rising. So what do his critics do? Focus on his age... That's right! They are calling Ron Paul too old to be president. RP doesn't feel this is so, and clearly his constituents don't either. Here is what he had to say about his age in relation to his future presidency.

June 21nd 2011 -

Ron Paul slams that Obama admin for giving Mexican drug cartels weapons and ammunition, and then going in to take away the same items from law abiding American citizens. What's up with that Mr O?

RP wins more favor in a small engagement in Iowa where he talks about government encroachment of our freedoms, downsizing big government and bring sound money and economics back to America.

June 22nd 2011 -

RP's campaign chairman Jesse Benton cries foul against the Obama admin for the weak draw down of troops from the middle east. Personally, I don't think Osama was ever a real threat, though if he was Jesse Benton is right. Either way, only pulling back 10,000 troops from Afghanistan when we have more than 100,000 troops all over the European countryside, is laughable.

Ron Paul and Barney Frank came together to propose a bill that would end the war on drugs, emphasizing the need to get Big Government out of the way when it comes to states rights to choose how to deal with cannabis.

RP and his Rand brought forth a slough of competition for democrats still trying to get a raise on the debt ceiling without passing any meaningful spending cuts. They are getting ready to pressure congressmen and woman to do what they know is right. Will it work? Who knows...

There are still at least four days left in the week, so I'll come back and update this post. For now, keep on reading!

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